Paolo Penko reopens the historic Bottega in via Zannetti
A new look for Paolo Penko’s Bottega.
Today saw the inauguration of the historic headquarters of Bottega Orafa Artigiana Paolo Penko, in Via Zannetti 14/16r, in the heart of the centre of Florence.
The inauguration came after a series of particularly demanding restoration works, given the desire to maintain and accentuate the historical and cultural value of the shop, with its traditional characteristics.
The project was made possible thanks in part to the support of Fondazione CR Firenze and Intesa San Paolo, in particular through the New One call for proposals, issued by OMA-Osservatorio dei Mestieri d’Arte and Associazione Vo.B.I.S – Volontari Bancari per le Iniziative nel Sociale (Vo.B.I.S Association – Bankers’ Volunteers for Social Initiatives), and aimed at providing incentives to improve the production capacity of companies by upgrading the workshop structure. In this way it was possible to install new equipment and machinery, bring the laboratory up to safety standards, improve the layout of the professional workbenches as well as the shop windows and signs. One of the curiosities is the presence, inside the shop, of an ancient 18th century safe, probably of Sienese origin, which has been completely restored and will be visible to visitors.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Bottega was also an opportunity to celebrate the Penko family’s 60 years of activity in Via Zannetti, in the first of the two shops that now bear the family name. The event, organised in cooperation with the city administration, was attended by the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, and various members of the city council, Jacopo Speranza, president of the IST Commission – Interventions for the Development of the Territory of the Fondazione CR Firenze, the president of Confartigianato Imprese Firenze, Alessandro Vittorio Sorani, and the secretary general, Jacopo Ferretti, and Gabriele Maselli, president of the Association of Historical Shops of Florence. Also present were some representatives of the Association 50 Minutes Old Glories Historical Florentine Football. The event was an opportunity to present the recognition of Bottega-School recently obtained and the related training activities planned on the premises of Bottega Orafa Artigiana Paolo Penko.
Paolo Penko does not only represent the tradition of his family and of craftsmanship, but also represents Florence,” said the Mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella. He has made so many florins that I believe he deserves the highest recognition this year, for this anniversary and for what he has done for Florence: the gold florin. I will give it to him myself and to the Council. The problem now is who will make the gold florin,” joked Nardella, “because there is a conflict of interest, so we will have to get someone else to do it.
We are delighted and surprised by this recognition,” said Paolo Penko, “which we accept on behalf of all Florentine artisans whose work has made this city beautiful for centuries. The renovation of the premises that we are presenting today will give new impetus to the activity and enhance some important historical and cultural aspects. Promoting culture and handing down the traditions of Florentine craftsmanship has always been one of our commitments.
“The agreement, signed in 2016, by Fondazione CR Firenze, Intesa Sanpaolo, Oma and Associazione Vo.B.I.S was created to respond to the needs of the territory by favouring employment, supporting young people about to buy their first home, and supporting the growth of artisan businesses,” said Jacopo Speranza, chairman of the IST Commission – Interventions for the Development of the Territory of Fondazione CR Firenze, -. Thanks to a EUR 2 million fund, 78 new jobs have been created, 65 young people have been supported in buying their first home, and 109 craft workshops have had their equipment and tools renewed. The Commission that I chair has worked with great commitment to verify and select the applications, and I am pleased to participate in the inauguration of Maestro Penko’s workshop, which has been completely renovated thanks to the contribution of the New One Call for Proposals.
The inauguration of the historic Penko shop in Via Zanetti, which has been completely renovated, is a great satisfaction,” said Alessandro Vittorio Sorani, president of Confartigianato Imprese Firenze. – While many people say that craftsmanship is leaving the heart of our city to move to the suburbs, Paolo Penko with his two shops, both located in the historic centre, shows that goldsmithing and artistic craftsmanship are still the masters in Florence”.
“Paolo Penko represents today, with his two artisan workshops in the heart of Florence, the history and tradition of goldsmithing in the city – said Gabriele Maselli, President of the Association of Historical Shops of Florence -. The inauguration of the renovated space in Via Zannetti marks sixty years of the Penko family’s history, from the father, an expert philatelist, handed down through the generations to Paolo and Beatrice and their children, all of whom carry on the business with wisdom and skill. As the Associazione degli Esercizi Storici, I would like to express my best wishes to our member and friend Paolo, certain that all together we are committed to enhancing and preserving our workshops”.